Last updated: Sep 11, 2022
The Skinner class applies a random Skin to a SkinnedMesh. Very helpful for weapons and the main player character as both of these things can have different skins and need to have them applied at specific times.
You can find the Skinner at this path: Assets\Infima Games\Low Poly Animated - Modern Guns\Demo\Code\Skins\Skinner.cs
Skinned Mesh. Reference to the SkinnedMesh component to modify with Skins.
Skin Random. ScriptableObject containing all the Skins that this component can pick from when selecting a Skin to apply.
Auto Apply At Start. Determines if the Skinner should immediately apply a Skin to the SkinnedMesh when starting.
Skin. Reference to the current Skin value applied to this Game Object.
Randomize. Randomizes the selected Skin.
Apply. Applies the selected Skin.