Last updated: Sep 7, 2022
The Muzzle script is useful when attached to a weapon’s muzzle attachment so we can make sure that it is in fact a muzzle. It contains lots of variables that developers can edit to make sure each muzzle is different from the other!
You can find the Muzzle script ****at this path: Assets\Infima Games\Low Poly Animated - Modern Guns\Demo\Code\Attachments\Muzzle\Muzzle.cs
Socket. Socket at the tip of the Muzzle. Commonly used as a firing point.
Prefab Flash Particles. Reference to the prefab of the particles we need to spawn when firing through this muzzle.
Flash Particles Count. Number of flash particles to emit when firing through this muzzle.
Audio Clips Fire. Array of all possible AudioClips that could be played when firing.
Audio Settings Fire. Audio settings applied to the firing AudioClip when played.
Particles. Particle system instantiated so we can use it when firing this muzzle. Very important reference.
Fire. Fires all the particles and sound effects necessary for us to simulate firing a weapon!