Last updated: Sep 9, 2022
The Casing component is very helpful to give a camera the ability to rotate around a given point. There's a specific setup needed in terms of the camera’s hierarchy to achieve this effect, so just slapping this on a camera won’t work, do bear that in mind!
You can find the Casing at this path: Assets\Infima Games\Low Poly Animated - Modern Guns\Demo\Code\Miscellaneous\Casing.cs
Speed. How fast the casing spins over time.
Minimum X Force. Minimum force on Y axis
Maximum X Force. Maximum force on X axis
Minimum Y Force. Minimum force on Y axis
Maximum Y Force. Maximum force on Y axis.
Minimum Z Force. Minimum force on Z axis.
Maximum Z Force. Maximum force on Z axis.
Minimum Rotation. Minimum initial rotation value.
Maximum Rotation. Maximum initial rotation value.
Despawn Time. How long after spawning that the casing is destroyed.
Casing Sounds. Array of all the possible AudioClips that can act as a click-y casing sound!
Audio Source. The casing’s AudioSource component. Important reference so we can use this source to play click-y sounds.
Play Sound. Plays the casing sound. This is that click-y sound that gets played after a while of the casing being spawned.